Amateur Radio is more than Radio!
It's Innovation, Community Service, Electronics and FUN!
It's Innovation, Community Service, Electronics and FUN!
Shelby Amateur Radio Club
Welcome to the Shelby Amateur Radio Club's Official Website. We are an ARRL Affiliated Club. Our club has been promoting Amateur Radio in Cleveland County, Shelby, NC and the surrounding area since 1957. We host one of the largest hamfest (Amateur Radio Convention) in the South, The Shelby Hamfest. The proceeds from this event go towards upkeep of our six repeaters and donations to local and deserving charities. We also sponsor the local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Group. This group provides aid to the local Emergency Management officials and to the Red Cross and other served agencies.
If you are an amateur radio operator, we hope you will come out and join us at our club meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM (except December) at the Red Cross Building in Shelby, NC. 1333 Fallston Rd, Shelby NC 28150
We're glad you are visiting our website and invite you to our club meetings in 2025.
Dues Information
For Information on how to JOIN - CLICK HERE
$10.00 Initiation - $20.00 yearly dues ($10.00 Discount for ARRL Members) $10.00 Family ($5.00 Discount for ARRL Members)
** A new dues structure was voted on at the November 2017 meeting, please contact 980-295-5151 for more information regarding this dues structure **
If you have a 10-20 minute program you would like to present during one of our club meetings please call 980-295-5151.
Andy Montgomery, KN4FYW - President
Lee Carroll, KD4LEE - Vice President
Greg Horne, WA4YBP - 2nd Vice President
Russell Hayes, KE4GTQ - Secretary
Greg Poston, WE4GPS - Treasurer
Greg Horne, WA4YBP - 2nd Vice President
Russell Hayes, KE4GTQ - Secretary
Greg Poston, WE4GPS - Treasurer
Learn more about our HISTORY & IN MEMORIUM CALLSIGNS (received prior to 2011)
What is Amateur Radio?
Watch the Video
How can I become a ham radio operator? Click here for helpful links on becoming a licensed amateur radio operator.
To join our club, you must first be licensed. Several members of our club are Volunteer Examiners. A test session can be arranged, please email with your phone number and we will see that a VE Team Member gets back in touch with you as soon as they can.
For information on our regularly scheduled VE test sessons please click here!
We are involved in ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service), Transmitter Hunting, Public Service event communications, Elmering new amateur radio operators; Parks on the Air and many other aspects of amateur radio.
The Shelby Hamfest is held every Labor Day Weekend and is held at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds in Shelby, NC. Thanks again for visiting our site and hope to see you at a meeting or Hamfest! The proceeds from the hamfest are used to maintain our multiple repeaters, equipment and are used for donations to local deserving charities in and around the Cleveland, Gaston and Rutherford county area. For More information a pertaining to the Hamfest, CLICK HERE
Annual Shelby Hamfest Sponsor
Donates to local deserving Charities
Volunteers time and equipment to local Emergency Management


Monday & Friday
146.880 (-) @ 8:30PM
4th Monday Traders Net after Reg. Net
146.880 (-) @ 8:30PM
4th Monday Traders Net after Reg. Net
Sunday Prayer Net
146.880 (-) @ 8:30 PM
146.880 (-) @ 8:30 PM
Wednesday Good Ideas Net
147.345 (+) @ 7:00 PM
147.345 (+) @ 7:00 PM
If you would like to call a net contact
Al Whatley, N4HAW - Net Manager
Al Whatley, N4HAW - Net Manager
Our Club has six (6) repeaters and a packet station on the air.
146.880 (-) 67.0 Hz tone
147.345 (+)
444.325 (+)
224.060 (-)
2 Meter 145.080 (+ 1.4 Mhz) Mode: DSTAR
70 Cm 444.1875 (+) Modes: DSTAR; DMR (repeater ID 313121) connected to TGIF
If you link one of the repeaters please be kind and unlink when you are finished. Thank you!
For more information on our DSTAR Repeaters click here
Please feel free to use our repeaters.
Please feel free to use our repeaters.
Connect to 146.880 via Echo-link by connect to KM4C-R

Throughout the year, in addition to our annual Shelby Hamfest, we participate in educational, public service events and other activities.
ARES of Cleveland County is sponsored by our club and participates with the Shelby Amateur Radio Club in Emergency Management Drills; Health Department Drills; Red Cross events; Races and other events.
We also participate in Parks on the Air - 2 of our club callsigns (W4NYR & K4KUT) are registered with Parks on the Air for our members to use during their Park Activations.
Transmitter Hunting is also an event our members participate in. Think of it as High Tech Hide-N-Seek with the purpose of learning to hone in on signals.
We also demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public through participation in ARRL Field Day each year and when asked by Boy and Girl Scout Troops or schools, we will demonstrate amateur radio for them.

General INFO
Contact us for more Information!
PO Box 2206
Shelby, NC 28151-2206